Destined with You novel - Chapter 311

Chapter 311


Chapter 311: Chapter 316: Making Her Cry

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Translator: 549690339 

I I have no money.

Although it was hard to admit, Bai Qianqian had to speak up about her situation.

Ha No money! Miss Bai, youre so proud, arent you! Willing to beg others just because youre short of funds Now, what do you have to beg of me? Bai Jingqing thought of the moment she tore the check and threw it at his face. A sarcastic smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Bai Jingqings expression felt like a slap in the face for Bai Qianqian.

She knew he was mocking her having no money yet daring to rip apart that check

But had he ever considered what she mightve become if she had accepted that check at the time?

Her face was pale as a sheet, Bai Qianqians heart constricted painfully.

He was rejecting her!

Bai Jingqing stood up, intending to make a call, telling the people below to arrange for Bai Qianqians mothers transfer to another hospital.

After all, hed had her twice. Helping her this time could be considered compensation.

However, Bai Qianqian assumed he was calling someone to throw her out. Ever since her parents had their incident, she had been driven out countless times.

Thinking of her mother lying on the hospital bed, desperately awaiting surgery, she immediately turned around and yelled, Dean Bai.

The hand Bai Jingqing raised to take the phone froze, he turned to look at the girl who had called out to him. In just one glance, his pupils violently contracted.

Bai Qianqians cotton dress had fallen to the floor, leaving her in just her underwear

Now, other than her body, she had nothing else to bargain with

Bai Jingqings eyes immediately narrowed

Bai Jingqing didnt consider himself a man with strong desires, nor did he have any bad habits.

But for some reason, every time he saw this girl, he wanted to aggressively take her. Every cell in his body inexplicably thrilled!

He wanted to make her cry, he wanted to ravage her!

Bai Jingqing abruptly changed his mind, although he knew it was despicable of him, but he just wanted to be despicable this one time!

Keep undressing!

Bai Qianqians eyes widened in surprise. Her helplessness, her fear, her trembling Bai Jingqing saw all of it, but it only served to deepen the desire in his eyes

Bai Qianqian closed her eyes and knew she had no other choice. After holding on alone for so long, she was truly exhausted.

But for the sake of her family, she had to keep that endurance

Her fingers trembled as they moved towards the clasp of her bra, she slowly undid it

Fearing she might change her mind, she quickly bent down and removed the last of her clothing.

A beautiful body was revealed in front of Bai Jingqing, every part of it seemed exquisitely crafted. There was not a single flaw.

Come here! Bai Jingqing felt his throat tighten as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Bai Qianqian covered her chest with her hands as she approached him, walking with her head bowed, not daring to look up.

Ill get your parents transferred to Bais Hospital and get them the best treatment. And besides youll receive two hundred thousand every month for living expenses! My only condition youre not allowed to have any contact with Rui Qing from now on! Keep your phone connected for 24 hours for me. And youre not allowed to let anyone know about our relationship! Understand? Bai Jingqing spoke huskily.

I dont want your Bai Qianqians last word trailed off when she saw the dangerous look in his eyes, she swallowed it back, Understood.

Wait for me on the couch! Bai Jingqings voice became even hoarser..

